Are we all abusers?

Jul 22, 2021

Lately I've been reading and talking a lot about different kinds of abuse.

Why am I writing about this in a blog about health?

Because I see a lot of behaviors in myself and people I live and work with that could be classified as abuse. Abuse towards oneself.

Mind you, I don't mean suicide attempts or purposeful self-harm. It's pretty obvious.

I think about some behaviors that are not as visible on the surface, but can cause a great damage over time. I'm talking about mistreating the physical body by suboptimal choices: poor nutrition or movement routine, intoxication, "toughening up" and ignoring injuries or illnesses, neglecting sleep, etc. And abusing the mind by negative self-talk: I'm not worthy, I'm ugly, I'm stupid - you name it.

🤯 It's crazy, but when we abuse ourselves, the sense of power we feel is very real!

I'm stuffing myself to the point it hurts to breath? BECAUSE I CAN!

I'm calling myself names inside my head? WHO'S GONNA STOP ME?

Actually, like with any other kind of abuse, it's up to the victim to recognize the problem and put breaks on it. When it comes to self-abuse, it's about that victim part of yourself that has to make the decision to change and follow through with it.

💛 No, I'm not going to eat that bucket of food to numb my anxiety, because it's disrespectful towards my body and won't help with the issue in the long run.

💚 No, I'm not going to ignore this injury just because it doesn't hurt that bad. My body deserves the best care, and I will make an appointment to get it checked and treated professionally.

🧡 No, I'm not a dumb idiot because I didn't know how to use the equipment at the gym. It's not my job to know everything.

❤️ No, I'm not ugly. My body is a wonder and a part of my unique persona. I don't have to look like anybody else.

Setting boundaries within your own head might be tricky. But it's a necessary step towards a better life. Love yourselves, people! You are magnificent, unique and totally worthy.

You are enough.

Take care!