Beyond Physical Fitness: Understanding Holistic Wellness

Feb 15, 2024

When I begin working with a new client, one of the first activities I offer to them is a so-called Wellness Wheel. It helps us determine where to focus first.

And oftentimes people tend to think of wellness as a definition of how fit you are. How hard do you workout and how well you eat. The wellness wheel tool makes it clear that wellness is something much more complex. And physical fitness is only a part of one of its dimensions. One out of at least eight.

Eight dimensions of wellness - is one of the most popular models out there, but of course, there is no THE right one, so the number of dimensions may vary. Nevertheless, I consider this model good enough as a conversation starter. It gives a person an opportunity to take a loot at their life from different perspective, thus assessing their wellbeing from multiple angles that might have been overseen before.

Below are those dimensions’ descriptions by Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (SAMHSA, 2017).

  1. Physical wellness. Physical health and wellbeing through physical activity, healthful nutrition and sleep.

  2. Emotional wellness. The expression and management of one’s feelings to cope and thrive in relationships and pursue acceptance of one’s emotions.

  3. Occupational wellness. Personal enrichment and engagement with one’s work that is meaningful and rewarding.

  4. Social wellness. Recognizing and engaging with one’s interconnectedness with others for the betterment of the community as a whole (good lord, this wording is nuts).

  5. Intellectual wellness. Engaging in activities that stimulate and challenge mental faculties to enhance one’s mental fitness.

  6. Spiritual wellness. Aligning one’s beliefs and values with one’s world view to establish meaning and purpose in life.

  7. Financial wellness. Establishing healthy financial habits and planning for the future to ensure financial stability throughout the lifetime.

  8. Environmental wellness. Seeking surroundings that promote personal safety and encourage and support all aspects of personal wellness.

This list provides an opportunity to ask yourself some questions and evaluate your level of more holistic wellness, that goes way beyond the six-pack and green salad. The one that can actually help you thrive and be truly well. 

I will talk more about each dimensions in the upcoming posts. So stay tuned!

#TamaraTunesIntoWellness #WellnessWheel #8DimensionsOfWellness #WellnessJourney #LifeInBalance