Completion of a goal isn't the only thing to celebrate.
Jun 6, 2021

How often in life we wait to celebrate until the goal is accomplished? Task completed? Race finished?
More often than not we are getting the cheers after crossing the finish line.
Today I had one of those days when I didn't want to go out for a scheduled run. Really didn't. I spent most of my morning debating with myself, whether I should push myself and go or let it be and skip this one run.
I did remind myself of my own algorithm of dealing with such days, and of how much better I will feel if I go, and that I don't have to follow through with the whole thing of a planned 5-mile pace run - just put my shoes on and get out and see how it goes.
And here was the moment I got this realization. The fact that we BEGIN something is totally worth a celebration. On days like this the hardest thing is to START, not to finish. And getting out there is the biggest win of the day.
Then comes the process of making it through the run. And you know what, every stride deserves a cheer. The fact that we keep going, failing, not doing our historical best maybe (but definitely, we are doing the best we can IN THAT MOMENT), not feeling it, fighting, adjusting, re-calculating, BUT KEEP GOING - this is worth all the applause.
At the end, the moment we cross that finish line (or accomplish any other goal) this goal immediately falls into the past, losing its significance and maybe even its meaning. It's done now. What's next?
So if you are now struggling to begin something, remember, that you don't have to wait all the way until it's done. Making that first step, and then, another one, and another - that's what you have all the rights to congratulate yourself for. And be proud. For trying. For hoping. For wanting.
Enjoy the ride!