Finding A True Calling: A Tale of Many Turns
Feb 2, 2024
Do you know someone who, from a very young age, knew exactly what they wanted to be?
I’m not the one :)
I've switched my career path multiple times and have studied in various fields. Looking back at my journey, I think it was absolutely freakin awesome!
I began with extensive training as a singer. Lots of performances over the years, tiny and big stages, group and solo. Fantastic experience that shaped my personality a lot. “I’m a performer, darling” - the quote by Freddy Mercury. I can definitely relate to that.
No surprise, after high school I went to the Theatre College to become an actress. Well, fast-forward, I only spent there a year and quit. I am sure it was the right decision to make, and I'm impressed with my 18-year-old self for making it. I was doing well at the college, just realized that I will only be able to become a mediocre actress… And I wasn’t interested in mediocre :)
So, I had three weeks after collecting my documents from the theatre college to prepare for the entrance exams for the Department of Economics at Novosibirsk State University. Hahaha. I’ll tell you, those were some fun three weeks. But I made it in and graduated with a degree in strategic management.
After graduating I went to consulting agency. Then to PR agency (with some crisis-related chaos in between, but it was mostly the survival skills school). Overall I spent around 7 years in different offices, before admitting that here I am, pushing mediocrity again.
Quitting again was a tough decision just because of how unstable my life was then. But with all honesty, that time was the best one. The most impactful decision in my career.
I’ve dropped a management position in a PR agency and began studying as a group fitness instructor.
It was more than 12 years ago. Since then I got a number of certifications earned. Personal training, Fitness Nutrition, finally, Health Coaching. Now I’m in school again, earning my Master Health Coach certificate.
It took several attempts and years for me to find my dream job. But it seems like it worked! I am NOT a mediocre coach. I’m a good one. And a happy one. I still LOVE my job.
A couple days ago I heard a phrase in the podcast, that reminded me once again of how we sometimes get caught in perceiving some goals just because we once decided that’s what we needed. But this perseverance and push-through-it’ness only makes us deeply miserable, because we’ve chosen a wrong goal.
“No matter how far you went down the wrong path - turn back”.
Good luck you all with finding your right path!
#WellEverBehindTheScenes #FollowYourPassion #DreamJobJourney #SelfDiscovery #FindYourPath #NoToMediocrity