Why Routines Matter: Saving Energy for Creativity and Growth

Feb 7, 2024

Every day of our lives we make decisions. Thousands of them. All the time. From life-changing ones, such as choosing a career path, life partner or buying a house, to less significant ones, like what to eat for lunch, what road to take to work and what to wear. 

But our brain makes even more decisions that we have no idea about. They run on the background without us even noticing. However, it doesn’t mean they come for free. And evolutionary, all living creatures try to preserve energy to survive. Meaning that our brain is wired to minimize the effort it needs to take in order to make daily decisions. It’s thriving on shortcuts. That’s the basic reason why we build habits, good or bad. 

And also it’s a reason why humans can benefit from routines.

Not only routines help us to save energy on deciding every day on a sequence of morning hygiene actions. Our brain loves the known. It makes it feel safe. Brain is happy when it’s safe. It then can free up some space for other nice things, such as creativity, empathy, or learning new things.

When we “routinize” an action, we become able to do it easily, with minimal (if any) resistance. 

So, the more daily things we can turn into routines, the more time and energy is left for dealing with the unknown. 

I’m currently working on re-establishing the routines that I’ve lost during a long period of constant change. For myself I would like to have the following habits “routinized”:

  • Morning movement and meditation

  • Meal planning, prepping and cooking

  • Sleep schedule

  • Beauty/ skin care regimen

  • Exercise

I’m sure when I make it work, I’ll have a ton of resources released!

What are the things you would like to turn into habits and not think about them anymore?

#TamaraTunesIntoWellness  #TamaraTalksWellness  #DailyRoutines #WellnessJourney #ProductivityTips #EnergySavers